The Centre for Cinema Studies at UBC hosts the book series Contemporary Cinema, a series of single-authored and edited volumes on the latest in film culture, theory, reception and interpretation.
The series concentrates on films released since the 1970s, and the aim is to reflect important current issues while pointing to others that to date have not been given sufficient attention. Thus far, Contemporary Cinema has focused on three streams of contemporary cinema: ecology and cinema, French cinema, and Asian cinema. It is edited by Edited by Ernest Mathijs and Steven Schneider. Contemporary Cinema welcomes proposals and queries on these streams, as well as on other aspects of current cinema from around the world.
For proposals and information, please contact:
Masja Horn
Acquisitions Editor
Literature and Cultural Studies
+31(0)715353417 |

Sean Cubitt (2005) “Cubitt’s blend of local and global issues makes EcoMedia an enormously important book.” –Holly Rogers, Scope
Review of Sean Cubitt’s Ecomedia

Mireia Aragay (ed) (2005) “a welcome addition to the existing critical literature in this area of study […] the strength of the volume resides on the bold move to assemble and pack between covers an array of different models for the dissection of filmic texts.” –Clara Calvo, Atlantis Journal
Review of Mireia Aragay’s Books in Motion

From Hobbits to Hollywood (Vol. 3)
Ernest Mathijs and Murray Pomerance (eds) (2006) “The array of essays in From Hobbits to Hollywood covers a great deal of ground in terms of the variety of conceptual and methodological approaches adopted and objects of study they embrace. [This book contains] forceful and cogent interpretations of The Lord of the Rings that foreground certain problematic political, racial and even religious connotations.” –Duncan Petrie, Screen
Review of Mathijs & Pomerance’s From Hobbits to Hollywood

Jay McRo (2007) “[McRoy’s] research into Japanese cultural issues is exhaustive […] This book will undoubtedly be of use to researchers and students.” –Daniel Martin, Scope
Review of Jay McRoy’s Nightmare Japan

Paul Bowman (2010)

French Minority Cinema (Vol. 6)
Cristina Johnston (2010)

The Cinema of Catherine Breillat (Vol. 7)
Sophie Belot (2017)

Susanne Zhanial (2019)